When Child Support Ends and What Happens After


ChildSpecific guidelines vary from state to state, but as the general scheme of things dictates, child support ends when the child reaches legal age. Usually, child support ends when the child turns 18.

In Colorado, the age of majority is at 19, unless otherwise emancipated and the child is still in high school or a similar program. For more information about the specifics of child support in Denver, consult with MatthewsFamilyLawyers.com and other experts on family laws.

However, a minor may become emancipated even before the age of majority or the minor may still attend college or university even after the age of majority. As such, the end of child support is relative to the context of the situation.


Even before turning 19, as the situation calls in Denver, if the child becomes self-supporting and no longer requires the financial support of their parents, the child may be emancipated. Under this circumstance, the parent will no longer be obliged to provide child support.

This may also happen if the minor happens to marry, join the military, leaves home or becomes economically independent.

Education and Special Needs

As such, the child may still require child support even past the age of majority. If the child, even after turning 19, continues education, the parents will have to continue supporting their education. Post-secondary institutions are also considered when it comes to the topic of further financial support.

Additional child support way after the age of majority is similarly called for children with special needs. Disability is read by court as an economic hardship, which the parent is expected to help with.

Other than the following situations, child support generally stops at the age of majority. The procedure for ending child support, however, does not end automatically. The parent needs to make necessary arrangements and meetings with an agency in their state or with an attorney to discuss specific rights and responsibilities.