Legal Means of Dealing with Online Defamation

Judge gavel and books

Judge gavel and booksWhen online reviewers scrutinize your business through social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, the Federal Trade Commission could intervene in the matter. While in most cases this works against a business establishment, the FTC may also help in finding a solution when there are false claims and reviews about your services and products. If a culprit is found guilty, they may face legal penalties for defamation. Here is some information about defamation and how to handle it.

Online Defamation Defined

Defamation is the act of speaking or writing half-truths and lies about another person or entity. Because of advances in technology, electronic defamation can harm a business much worse than in spoken or printed media. A single, negative online thread about a company is enough to start a controversy and make your company lose thousands or millions of dollars. It could also make current and potential customers look for another organization, which could cause you to lose numerous business opportunities.

Pursuing the Perpetrator

It is possible to pursue action against the violator through litigation with the objective of getting a remedy or monetary damages. However, for a court case to be successful, the victim has to find the violator. Remember that the primary goal is to get rid of the defamation from all online platforms.

Therefore, if the perpetrator cannot be found, the owner of the website can be contacted and instructed to eliminate the damaging information. A fake account can also be deleted from the servers. Moreover, a seasoned Denver business lawyer could successfully persuade the FTC to look into the messages and determine whether any other action should be taken regarding the matter.

When dealing with a defamation case against a person or a company, it is important to hire an experienced lawyer. Experienced attorneys will help you contain the damage of the defamation and prevent more people from viewing or reading the negative information. The litigation process, if successful, can also reward you financial reparations.