Getting your Marriage Green Card: The Basics

Immigration form and USA flag

Immigration form and USA flagIf you marry a foreign spouse, you can apply for a green card for them to stay in the U.S. However, there is no guarantee that your application will be approved. As a couple, you will need to convince the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services that you are not just married for the card.

When you are applying for a marriage green card, for example, to live in Utah, you and your foreign spouse have to be interviewed by an immigration officer. Buhler Thomas Law, P.C. notes that It is based on this interview that the US decides whether to grant the green card or not. If the officer deems the marriage not genuine, you can be penalized, and your spouse permanently refused to enter the US. How then do you prepare for such an important interview?

Preparing for the interview

Bring all your relevant documents to the meeting including anything from a marriage certificate to a shared bank account record, which shows that you are a legitimate couple. Do not forget your immigration documents and visas. Review your previous application answers because the questions could be repeated and be prepared to explain any situation that may have changed. Endeavor to be honest all through your application and interview.

Attending the strokes interview

A couple whose first interview failed to show their marriage’s legitimacy gets a second chance to convince the U.S that they are legitimate in the strokes interview. Here, the couple is separated to be questioned individually and their responses analyzed to see anything that does not add up. The questions are personal and very detailed so be sure to prepare adequately and consult an attorney if need be. This is your last chance at a green card.

Getting a green card for a foreign spouse by a permanent resident

Of course, if you are a lifelong US resident you can pursue your spouse a marriage green card. However, you have to wait longer than the U.S citizen. The US will check to ensure that your spouse has never been in the US illegally for instance through having an expired visa.

People commonly ask whether you can apply for the marriage green card after having entered the US with a B-2 visa. You may, but it is to be avoided. The immigration Centre may consider it a violation of the B-2 which could affect your application negatively.